Stages of Balding

Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant

Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant | When is Treatment Necessary?

Is Traction Alopecia Making You Lose Your Hair? Hair Transplant Treatment Might Be the Solution.

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Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant

Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant is a procedure used to treat hair loss due to Traction Alopecia, a condition caused by excessive tension on the hair follicles due to tight hairstyles. This kind of hair loss can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. But with a Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant, it is possible to restore hair growth and get back to a normal stage. In this blog post, we will discuss when treatment for Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant is necessary.

Of all hair loss treat­ments, the hair trans­plant is con­sid­ered the most seri­ous and is cer­tainly the most involved and costly. It is most often used as the last resort by peo­ple suf­fer­ing from var­i­ous types of hair loss includ­ing trac­tion alope­cia, after other meth­ods of regrow­ing hair has failed to pro­duce the desired results.

What is traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is a condition caused by the damage of the hair follicles due to excessive tension on the hair. This condition can result from hairstyles such as tight ponytails, buns, cornrows, and other styles that put a strain on the hair follicles over a period of time. 


The symptoms of traction alopecia include:

In some signs of permanent traction alopecia, the hair may not grow back at all. When the damage from traction alopecia is severe and not responsive to treatment, a hair transplant for alopecia may be necessary to restore the lost hair.

Causes of Hair Loss By Traction Alopecia

Trac­tion alope­cia is a form of hair loss result­ing in bald patches where the scalp has been dam­aged. It is often found in women who wear tight hairstyles, which require exten­sive pulling on hair fol­li­cles, and users of hair exten­sions. While not per­ma­nent, the scalp may take months or even years to fully recover from the dam­age it has received.

The causes of hair loss of this kind are var­ied, but each type results in the same inflam­ma­tion of the scalp and dam­age to the fol­li­cles. The main cause of trac­tion alope­cia is a defor­ma­tion of the hair fol­li­cles, which occurs due to pulling, ten­sion and exces­sive weight on the hair.

The nat­ural growth cycle for a hair fol­li­cle involves going into a peri­odic dor­mant state, dur­ing which time the fol­li­cle repairs itself. When the fol­li­cle is deformed, the dor­mant state is length­ened; and some­times becomes per­ma­nent. In these sit­u­a­tions, the roots weaken, and the hair no longer grows.

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As a direct result of many fol­li­cles going into a pro­longed dor­mant state, bald patches appear. This is known as trac­tion alope­cia. In addi­tion, the scalp will often become itchy and inflamed in the area where the dam­age has been caused, which in itself can lead to fur­ther dam­age due to scratch­ing and rubbing.

Pulling on the Hair Follicles

One of the main causes of hair loss in suf­fer­ers of trac­tion alope­cia is down to exces­sive pulling on the hair, and thus on the hair fol­li­cles. Hair­styles such as pony­tails, which pull hair tightly at the crown, exert a lot of pres­sure on the hair fol­li­cles, which leads them to deform.

Pulling on the hair fol­li­cles is also caused by an exces­sive hair styling regime that requires a lot of comb­ing and teas­ing of the hair in order to cre­ate the right look. When you wear a style like that, con­sider tak­ing a few days off and let­ting your hair recover after­wards; to give your hair a chance to recover.

Ten­sion on the hair

Ten­sion on the hair is a major hair loss con­di­tion because it actively deforms the hair fol­li­cle. Ten­sion is caused by pulling on the hair through tight weaves and also by adding weight to the hair, as occurs when using hair extension causes traction alopecia.

Tight weave braid­ing, whether for hair exten­sions or sim­ply as part of a hairstyle, involves hold­ing each strand of hair under sig­nif­i­cantly increased ten­sion. This pulls on the roots of the hair, and when the hair grows, the ten­sion is only increased. The tighter the braids and the closer the braids are knit to the scalp, the more ten­sion the hair is under. See how to tie hair to prevent hair loss.

This results in dam­aged hair fol­li­cles, weaker hair roots, and, even­tu­ally, bald patches caused by trac­tion alopecia.

Exces­sive weight on the hair

Hair fol­li­cles are not designed to carry a lot of weight. The scalp sprouts hair that it can carry, but any extra weight placed on the hair can over­load the fol­li­cles in the scalp, which causes defor­ma­tion of the fol­li­cles and thus leads to baldness.

Extra weight is placed on the hair by attach­ing hair exten­sions. Exten­sions can be added using a vari­ety of meth­ods, from tra­di­tional beeswax and mod­ern glues; to braid­ing the exten­sions into the hair or even tightly braid­ing the nat­ural hair and stitch­ing the exten­sions into the braids. Each attach­ment method adds weight to the hair, which pulls on the follicles.

Scratch­ing and Rubbing

One source of trac­tion alope­cia that is often over­looked is due to mechan­i­cal dam­age to the scalp in the form of scratch­ing and rub­bing. Rub­bing often occurs where tightly-fitted hel­mets are worn, such as crash hel­mets and safety hel­mets worn in the work­place. These press onto the scalp and rub both the scalp itself and any hair caught between the scalp and the hat.

Sim­i­larly, when the head is scratched repeat­edly and on a reg­u­lar basis, as can hap­pen with an inflamed scalp caused by exces­sive hair styling, the hair is put under pres­sure, and the dam­age to the scalp is exacerbated.

The result is that the hair is con­tin­u­ally pulled while under pres­sure, and the scalp is inflamed. As with pulling and ten­sion due to hair­styling, this causes dam­age to the hair fol­li­cles, and trac­tion alope­cia can occur as a direct result.

The causes of hair loss by trac­tion alope­cia are var­ied, but their effects on the scalp are sim­i­lar. Each of the var­i­ous causes dam­ages the hair fol­li­cles, deform­ing them and caus­ing their dor­mant phases to elon­gate. The hair roots become weaker, and the hair will even­tu­ally either snap or sim­ply fallout, at which point bald spots begin to appear. The only solu­tion is to give the scalp time to heal itself, a process that can be sped up by using inter­nal and exter­nal treat­ments for trac­tion alope­cia hair loss.

What is a hair transplant for alopecia?

A hair trans­plant for alopecia is a sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dure where hair fol­li­cles are removed from one part of the body and trans­planted on another part (usu­ally the head, in cases of hair loss). It’s used to treat bald­ness, as the hair fol­li­cles used are con­sid­ered resis­tant to bald­ing. The mod­ern hair trans­plant is pro­duced by remov­ing fol­lic­u­lar units, nat­u­rally grouped fol­li­cles of 1–4 hairs, and trans­plant­ing them together to achieve nat­ural look­ing results.

In addition to hair transplants for alopecia, other treatments for traction alopecia include topical medications, laser therapy, and regular trims. It’s important to consult with a doctor or dermatologist to determine the best course of action. With the right treatment plan, it is possible to successfully manage and even reverse the signs of traction alopecia.

How is a hair trans­plant performed?

The pro­ce­dure is per­formed under local anaes­the­sia, with minor seda­tion if desired. The doc­tor will remove hair fol­li­cles from the back of the head, where hair is con­sid­ered more resis­tant to bald­ing. The mod­ern hair trans­plant can be min­i­mally inva­sive with rel­a­tively small inci­sions, result­ing in the abil­ity to place over 50 grafts of hair fol­li­cles in an area the size of a square centimeter.

There are sev­eral meth­ods of har­vest­ing hair fol­li­cles from the more resis­tant parts of the head. The main ones used today are fol­lic­u­lar unit extrac­tion as well as strip har­vest­ing. Fol­lic­u­lar unit extrac­tion is more time con­sum­ing but does not leave a scar and is less painful. It is also more costly.

Strip extrac­tion is faster and more com­mon, where a strip of the scalp is removed from the back of the head, dis­sected and then rein­tro­duced to the thin­ning areas of the scalp.

What stage is a hair trans­plant nec­es­sary to treat trac­tion alopecia?

A hair trans­plant for traction alopecia is rec­om­mended when other meth­ods of treat­ment have failed, such as when the hair fol­li­cles are scarred and won’t be stim­u­lated to pro­duce new hair growth. A doc­tor may rec­om­mend a hair trans­plant when a recog­nised top­i­cal drug (such as minox­i­dil) or pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tion has been used for a dura­tion of six months or more and has pro­duced no vis­i­ble improve­ment to the con­di­tion of the hair and scalp.

Not all types of hair loss call for a hair trans­plant, with many clin­ics encour­ag­ing men with reced­ing hair­lines, for exam­ple, to accept a cer­tain amount of hair loss rather than attempt to cre­ate an unnat­ural look by trans­plant­ing hair.

What are the side effects of a hair transplant?

A cer­tain amount of hair loss imme­di­ately fol­low­ing the hair trans­plant is com­mon as a result of the oper­a­tive shock. This effect is usu­ally tem­po­rary but can result in dis­tress­ing bald patches until recov­ery. A cer­tain amount of swelling can also occur and can be treated by medication.

A few years after the hair trans­plant, there can be fur­ther hair loss, though the trans­planted hair will likely remain. This can result in fur­ther bald patches, and another hair trans­plant may be nec­es­sary (or the pre­vi­ously trans­planted hairs can be removed).


A traction alopecia hair transplant is not the only way to restore hair loss caused by traction alopecia. However, a Traction alopecia hair transplant can provide a permanent solution to hair loss, but it is not suitable for everyone. Before deciding if this treatment is necessary for you, you must consult a doctor to determine if it is the best solution.

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