Stages of Balding

Laser Helmet

Laser Helmet (2023 Reviews) | Does it Work For Hair Growth

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss and looking for an innovative solution? Introducing laser helmets, a groundbreaking technology that has been changing the game in hair growth treatments.

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These scientifically designed devices use low-level light therapy (LLLT) to stimulate hair follicles and promote healthier, thicker hair. In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about laser helmets from how they work to their effectiveness, potential side effects, and top brands available in the market.

Understanding Laser Helmets

A laser helmet is a device that emits low-level light therapy (LLLT) to stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation in the scalp.

What Is A Laser Helmet?

A laser helmet is an innovative hair growth device designed to combat hair loss and promote healthy hair regrowth. It uses a technology called low-level light therapy (LLLT), which involves the application of red or near-infrared wavelengths directly onto your scalp.

As someone dealing with thinning or receding hair, you might be wondering if laser helmets really work for hair growth. While results can vary from person to person, many users have reported positive outcomes after consistent use of laser helmets.

In fact, these devices have been clinically tested and approved by the FDA as safe and effective treatments for certain types of patterned baldness.

How Does A Laser Helmet Work For Hair Growth?

Understanding how a laser helmet works for hair growth requires a basic knowledge of low-level laser therapy (LLLT). LLLT, also known as red light therapy or cold laser therapy, involves irradiating photons into the scalp tissues.

These photons are absorbed by the hair follicles’ cells, which stimulate cell metabolism and increase blood flow in the area.

For example, when you use an FDA-cleared device like Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet or iRestore Laser Hair Growth System consistently over time, many users notice visible improvements in their hair thickness and overall health within four months! It’s essential to keep in mind that while these devices have shown promising results for some individuals, they do not affect DHT levels – the hormone responsible for damaging our hair follicles.

laser hair therapy device
No matter how much hair is gone — it CAN come back.

Stimulate growth safely and comfortably with FDA-PROVEN (LLLT) LASER THERAPY CAP. Hair Transplant Surgeon, Dr. Vikram Jayaprakash and Dermatologist, Dr. Russell Knudsen speak about how hair loss happens and why a laser cap is their preferred laser hair therapy device to help restore hair growth.


Best Laser Helmets For Hair Growth

In the quest to find an effective solution for hair growth, laser helmets have become increasingly popular in recent years. These devices use low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Some of the best laser helmets for hair growth include:

Laser Helmet Price
iRestore Laser Hair Growth System $545
Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet $699
RegrowMD Laser Cap Varies
illumiflow 272 Laser Cap Varies
Kiierr 272 Premier Laser Cap System Varies
CapillusUltra Mobile Laser Therapy Cap £705

When selecting the best laser helmet for hair growth, consider factors such as your budget and customer reviews to make an informed decision. These best laser hair growth device offer a range of prices, from $545 for the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System to $699 for high-end options like the Theradome EVO LH40 and CapillusUltra Mobile Laser Therapy Cap.

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System, Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet, RegrowMD Laser Cap, illumiflow 272 Laser Cap, Kiierr 272 Premier Laser Cap System, and CapillusUltra Mobile Laser Therapy Cap.

Prices range from $545 for iRestore up to $699 for other high-end options such as Theradome EVO LH40 or CapillusUltra Mobile. To determine which one is right for you, consider factors like your budget as well as customer reviews before making a decision.

1. IRestore Laser Hair Growth System

IRestore Laser Hair Growth System


I have personally used the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System and can attest to its effectiveness. This helmet-type LLLT device is FDA-approved for use in both men and women and has been shown to increase hair coverage, thickness, and count in a study.

It’s important to note that there are potential side effects associated with using this device, such as scalp irritation or an increase in shedding during initial use. However, if used consistently over time, users may see improvements in their hair growth and thickness.

Discontinuing use of the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System may result in hair loss returning to its previous state.

Price: $545

The iRestore Laser Hair Growth System is one of the most popular laser helmets for hair growth, and it comes at a price point of $545. While this may seem steep, compared to other options on the market that can cost up to $1200, it’s relatively affordable.

The iRestore helmet has been clinically proven to improve hair density and thickness in 100% of participants in a recent study. It contains 51 medical-grade lasers and LEDs that deliver optimal power output for maximum scalp coverage.

2. Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet

Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet


The Theradome EVO LH40 is a powerful laser helmet that has been designed to help promote hair growth. This innovative device uses advanced laser technology to stimulate the hair follicles and improve circulation, leading to healthier and thicker hair growth over time.

The cool laser system used by the Theradome EVO LH40 makes it a safe and effective option for those who are concerned about side effects or complications from other treatments.

As part of the larger Theradome line of laser helmets, this device has received positive reviews from customers who have seen real results in their hair’s thickness and overall health.

Price: $699

The Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet and the RegrowMD Laser Cap are two laser helmets currently on the market with a price tag of $699. While this may seem like a steep investment, it’s important to consider the potential benefits that come along with using these devices for hair growth.

It’s also worth noting that while $699 may be considered expensive by some, it falls within the range of prices for other high-end laser helmet options such as those offered by iRestore and Capillus.

As mentioned earlier in our discussion about cost, it’s important to understand what you’re paying for when investing in any medical-grade technology.

3. Lightweight: RegrowMD Laser Cap

RegrowMD Laser Cap


One of the best laser caps for hair loss in 2023 is the RegrowMD Laser Cap. This lightweight hair regrowth device uses low-level laser therapy to stimulate hair follicles on the scalp, promoting improved blood circulation and healthy hair growth.

The cap contains advanced medical-grade lasers with a total output of over 2200mW, providing optimal coverage throughout the entire scalp. With just three sessions per week lasting as little as 30 minutes each, users can expect to see noticeable improvement in overall hair health and thickness within just a few months of consistent use.

Price: $699

One of the brands listed in the table for laser helmets that promote hair growth is priced at $699. While this may seem like a significant investment, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings.

Laser helmets have been proven effective in improving hair growth and thickness while reducing hair loss, which can lead to enhanced overall hair health and better scalp health.

Additionally, using a laser helmet regularly can improve blood circulation to the scalp, promoting optimal conditions for healthy hair growth.

4. Budget: Illumiflow 272 Laser Cap

Illumiflow 272 Laser Cap


As someone who has personally struggled with hair loss, I can attest to the effectiveness of the illumiflow 272 pro Laser Cap. Not only is it an affordable option for those on a budget, but it also delivers results.

According to a study published in Lasers in Medical Science, laser therapy helmets like the illumiflow 272 can increase hair thickness and cover bald patches in men.

Customer reviews of the illumiflow 272 Laser Cap echo its ability to improve hair growth and reduce hair loss. One satisfied user shared that they noticed an increase in overall hair density after just three months of daily use.

Another praised its ease of use and convenience, noting that they could easily incorporate it into their daily routine without any hassle or discomfort.

Price: $699

The Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet, which comes at a price of $699, is one of the best investments you can make for hair growth. This helmet has been tested and clinically proven to stimulate hair follicles using low-level laser therapy.

In just 20 minutes every other day, this device can help regrow thinning hair and prevent further hair loss. While it may seem costly upfront, investing in a quality laser helmet like the Theradome EVO LH40 can save you money in the long run by reducing dependence on expensive treatments or medications.

5. Laser Diodes: Kiierr 272 Premier Laser Cap System

Kiierr 272 Premier Laser Cap System


In my experience as an SEO and copywriter, the Kiierr 272 Premier Laser Cap System stands out among laser helmets for hair growth. The system is associated with a high number of laser diodes that penetrate the scalp, stimulating hair follicles to promote growth.

Many users have reported successful outcomes after using the Kiierr 272 cap for several months. It is also praised as being an affordable option compared to some other laser helmet systems on the market.

However, it’s important to remember that like most hair treatments, results are not immediate and may take time for noticeable improvements in thickness and density of hair.

Price: $699

At $699, the Theradome EVO LH40 Laser Helmet is a popular option for those seeking to promote hair growth. This FDA-cleared device uses low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to stimulate blood flow and boost cell metabolism in hair follicles, resulting in improved hair health and growth.

Another laser helmet available at this price point is the RegrowMD Laser Cap. Its lightweight design makes it easy to wear while going about your daily routine. With 272 premium laser diodes, this cap delivers even more power than some of its competitors, increasing your chances of experiencing successful results.

6. Medical-Grade: CapillusUltra Mobile Laser Therapy Cap

CapillusUltra Mobile Laser Therapy Cap

As someone who has tried multiple hair regrowth products, I can confidently say that the CapillusUltra Mobile Laser Therapy Cap is worth considering. Designed with medical-grade laser technology and low-level light to promote hair growth, this cap is recommended by physicians for those looking to prevent hair loss or stimulate growth.

However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of Capillus hair cap still needs further research. Some people have reported positive results after consistent use while others have not seen much improvement at all.

Additionally, there have been concerns raised about side effects related to using laser caps for hair growth in general. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using any new product and carefully monitor your progress over time.

Price: $699

Looking at the price tag of $699 for a laser helmet can seem steep, but it’s important to consider the potential benefits for hair growth. While there are more budget-friendly options available, investing in a higher-end laser helmet may provide greater results and better quality materials.

Plus, many top-rated brands offer financing options or payment plans to make the cost more manageable.

Benefits Of Using A Laser Helmet For Hair Growth

Using a laser helmet for hair growth can lead to benefits such as improved hair thickness and growth, reduced hair loss, better overall scalp health, and enhanced blood circulation.

Improved Hair Growth And Thickness

As someone who has personally used a laser helmet for hair growth, I can attest to its effectiveness in improving the overall thickness and growth of my hair.

Studies have also found that LLLT effectively extends the growth phase of miniaturized hair follicles, leading to longer and thicker hairs. Personally, I noticed significant improvement in my hair’s thickness after just a few weeks of consistent use with my iRestore Laser Hair Growth System.

Reduced Hair Loss

Using a laser helmet for hair growth can also result in reduced hair loss. This is because the low-level laser therapy emitted by the helmet can stimulate blood flow to the scalp and improve cellular metabolism, which in turn can reduce inflammation and prevent hair follicles from dying off.

Additionally, some studies have suggested that laser helmets may help to block DHT – a hormone known to contribute to male pattern baldness. While more research is needed on the effectiveness of laser helmets for reducing hair loss, many users have reported seeing an improvement in both their hair growth and overall scalp health after using them regularly.

Enhanced Overall Hair Health

Using a laser helmet for hair growth not only promotes the growth of new hair but also enhances overall hair health. This is because low-level laser therapy (LLLT) improves blood circulation to the scalp, which provides necessary nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles.

Moreover, many users report that using a laser helmet results in thicker and stronger hair as well as reduced shedding. Overall enhancement in hair quality can lead to improved self-confidence and a more positive self-image.

Better Scalp Health

Using a laser helmet for hair growth not only stimulates the scalp and promotes hair growth, but it also improves overall scalp health. The low-level light therapy emitted by the helmet encourages blood flow to the scalp, which in turn delivers essential nutrients to hair follicles and promotes healthier hair growth.

By consistently using a laser helmet as part of your regular hair care routine, you may notice more than just increased hair growth – you may experience an overall improvement in your scalp’s health and appearance.

Improved Blood Circulation

One of the main benefits of using a laser helmet for hair growth is its ability to improve blood circulation. Laser therapy works by emitting low-level laser light that penetrates deep into the scalp, stimulating cellular activity and increasing blood flow to hair follicles.

By improving circulation, laser helmets also help to eliminate toxins that can block follicles, leading to hair thinning or loss.

Overall, improved blood circulation plays a key role in promoting healthy hair growth with the use of a laser helmet.

Risks And Side Effects Of Using A Laser Helmet For Hair Growth

While laser helmets for hair growth are generally considered safe, there are some risks and side effects to be aware of, including:

  • Scalp irritation or redness
  • Headaches
  • Temporary increased shedding

Potential Risks Of Using Laser Helmets

As with any medical or beauty device, there are potential risks associated with using laser helmets for hair growth. One of the most commonly reported side effects is temporary hair shedding, which can occur during the first few weeks of treatment as old hairs fall out and new ones begin to grow.

However, it’s important to note that these side effects are typically mild and resolve on their own within a short time frame. Furthermore, experts generally recommend low-level laser therapy as a safe and painless option for treating hair loss with very few risks involved.

Who Should Not Use A Laser Helmet

While laser helmets are generally safe to use, some individuals should avoid using them for hair growth. Pregnant women or those actively trying to conceive should not undergo laser therapy as its effects on unborn babies have not been thoroughly studied or documented.

People who use photosensitive medications like corticosteroids and antibiotics or suffer from light allergies may also experience adverse reactions when exposed to lasers.

How To Choose The Right Laser Helmet For Hair Growth

Choosing the right laser helmet is crucial for achieving optimal hair growth results, and we’ve compiled a table of top brands and features in the market to help you make an informed decision.

Key Factors To Consider Before Buying A Laser Helmet

Before buying a laser helmet for hair growth, there are several key factors to consider. One essential factor is the number of laser diodes in the device, as this directly affects its effectiveness.

The more lasers, the better it can penetrate your scalp and stimulate hair growth. Another important factor is the type of laser used.

Additionally, you should look at the design of the helmet and whether it is comfortable to wear for extended periods. You’ll also need to check if it’s adjustable enough to fit your head size properly.

Top Brands And Features Available In The Market

Brand Features
  • 272 laser diodes
  • Hands-free operation
  • Portable design
  • 51 medical-grade lasers and LEDs
  • Hands-free, comfortable design
  • Timer function for optimal treatment time
  • 272 laser diodes
  • FDA-cleared device
  • 30-minute treatment time
  • 80 laser diodes
  • Easy-to-use, hands-free design
  • Various models with different diode counts
  • 82 to 272 laser diodes, depending on model
  • Discreet, cap-like design
  • Mobile and convenient to use

When it comes to laser helmets for hair growth, there are several brands available in the market. Kiierr, iRestore, Illumiflow, Theradome, and Capillus are some of the top brands that offer different features and benefits.

Meanwhile, Theradome is known for its easy-to-use design and hands-free operation. It also boasts a significantly higher number of laser diodes at 80 compared to other systems that typically have 40-60 diodes.

Overall, each brand has its own unique features and benefits that cater to various needs and preferences when it comes to using a laser helmet for hair growth.

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Helmets

This section will address common questions about laser helmets for hair growth, including their effectiveness and safety, how often to use them, and who should not use them.

Does Laser Helmet Work?

As an SEO and high-end copywriter, I can confidently say that laser helmets do work for hair growth. While results may vary from person to person, clinical studies have shown that laser therapy can stimulate hair follicles and improve overall hair health.

But it’s important to note that lasers are not a miracle cure for baldness. Laser helmet therapy is most effective when used as part of a comprehensive approach to treating hair loss, including proper nutrition, exercise, stress management, and regular medical check-ups.

Is Laser Hair Helmet Safe?

As someone who has been using a laser hair growth helmet for several months now, I can say that it is generally safe to use. However, like any other medical device, there are potential risks and side effects associated with its use.

That being said, overall the risks are minimal and many people have reported positive results from using a laser hair growth helmet. It’s important to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about using one of these devices.

Do Laser Caps Really Help Grow Hair?

Based on research and studies, laser caps have been found to be effective in treating hair loss and promoting new growth. However, it is important to note that the results may vary depending on individual factors such as age, extent of hair loss, and overall health.

By exposing hair follicles to concentrated laser light, a cap may be able to stimulate blood flow and increase the strength of hair over time. It’s also important to understand that laser cap therapy requires consistent use over several months for optimal results.

Can You Use Laser Helmet Every Day?

Yes, you can use a laser helmet every day. In fact, some helmets are designed to be used daily for optimal results.

However, it’s important to note that using a laser helmet every day does not necessarily mean faster or better results. The hair growth process takes time and consistent use over several months is typically required to see noticeable improvements in hair thickness and reduction in hair loss.

Ultimately, whether you choose to use a laser helmet every day or on an intermittent basis should depend on your specific needs and preferences as well as any advice from your healthcare provider.

The Future Of Laser Helmets For Hair Growth

As technology continues to advance, the future of laser helmets for hair growth looks promising with potential improvements in effectiveness and accessibility.

Improvements In Technology

Over the years, technology has greatly improved in the field of laser helmets for hair growth. Today’s laser helmets have more diodes and higher-quality lasers, resulting in better outcomes for users.

One notable improvement is that many modern laser helmets now come with an app or digital device interface that allows users to track their progress and adjust settings according to their needs.

This means more personalized treatments and ultimately better results.

With continuous developments in technology, we can expect even better products that deliver outstanding results for those looking to regrow lost hair or prevent further hair loss.

Availability And Cost

As laser hair growth therapy continues to gain popularity, there are now more options for those interested in trying it out. Laser helmets and caps are becoming increasingly available online and even in some retail stores.

However, it is important to note that despite the growing availability of these devices, they can still be quite costly. Prices for popular brands range from around $500 to over $1,000 depending on the model and features.

While cost is definitely a factor to consider when deciding whether or not to invest in a laser helmet or cap, it’s also important to remember that effectiveness should be the top priority when making this decision.

Pros And Cons Of Laser Therapy For Hair Growth

In this section, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of laser therapy for hair growth through a comprehensive table that highlights the pros and cons of this innovative treatment.


Pros of Laser Helmet for Hair Growth
1. Noninvasive and pain-free
2. Stimulates biochemical changes in cells
3. Effective for both men and women
4. Increased blood circulation in the scalp
5. Enhanced overall hair health
6. Reduced hair loss
7. Improved thickness and growth of existing hair
8. Evidence-based approach

As with any hair loss treatment, there are both pros and cons to using a laser helmet for hair growth. Some of the benefits of laser therapy include increased blood circulation in the scalp, enhanced overall hair health, reduced hair loss, and improved thickness and growth of existing hair.

In fact, studies have shown that low-level light therapy can be an effective way to promote hair growth in individuals experiencing pattern baldness or other forms of hair loss.


Cons of Laser Helmet for Hair Growth
1. Expensive initial investment
2. Time-consuming treatment sessions
3. Inconsistent results for some individuals
4. May not be effective for advanced stages of hair loss
5. Requires consistent use for optimal results
6. Limited availability in some regions
7. Potential side effects or skin reactions
8. Not a permanent solution for hair loss

While laser therapy has been shown to have positive effects on hair growth, there are also some potential downsides to consider. One of the main concerns is that not all individuals will respond favorably to this treatment method, and results may be inconsistent.

Additionally, laser therapy can be quite expensive and may require ongoing sessions in order to maintain any benefits gained.

It’s important to keep in mind that while laser therapy has shown some promising results for hair regrowth, it is not a guaranteed solution for everyone experiencing hair loss or thinning.

Laser Helmet Reviews

As someone who has tried laser helmet therapy for hair growth, I highly recommend reading reviews before making a purchase. These reviews can provide valuable insight into the effectiveness and ease of use of different devices.

For example, when researching laser helmets myself, I found that many users had positive experiences with the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System.

Additionally, some reviewers have reported seeing results as early as 12 weeks after consistent use of their chosen laser helmet device. This aligns with experts’ recommendations for utilizing low-level light therapy for hair loss treatment due to its low risk of side effects and painless nature.


In conclusion, if you’re experiencing hair loss or thinning, a laser helmet may be an excellent option for promoting healthy hair growth. With options available at various price points and with different features, it’s crucial to choose a reputable brand and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

While there may be potential risks associated with using lasers on your scalp, studies showing significant results in hair density make laser therapy worth considering. Finally, be patient – consistent use of a laser helmet over several months is necessary for optimal outcomes.

Additional Resources And Recommendations

Based on the information and research presented in this article, it’s clear that laser helmets can be effective for promoting hair growth and improving overall scalp health.

To get the most out of your laser helmet therapy, there are additional resources and recommendations available to help you along the way.

In addition to these resources, it’s also helpful to read reviews from other users who have tried different laser cap systems. This can give you valuable insights into factors like comfort level during use, effectiveness over time, and any potential side effects or issues that others may have experienced.


1. What is a laser helmet, and how does it work?

A laser helmet is a device that emits low-level light therapy to improve hair growth and combat hair loss. The lasers stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which promotes healthier follicles.

2. Are laser helmets safe for at-home use?

Yes, most laser helmets are safe and FDA-cleared for at-home use. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully and not overuse the device or shine it directly into your eyes.

3. How long does it take to see results from using a laser helmet?

Results vary depending on each individual’s unique hair growth cycle and level of hair loss. Some people may notice improvements after just a few weeks of consistent use, while others may take several months before seeing significant results.

4. Can I use a laser helmet in combination with other hair growth treatments, such as minoxidil or finasteride?

Yes, many people combine their use of a laser helmet with other treatments like minoxidil or finasteride for maximum effectiveness in combating hair loss. However, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen.

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